Solutions Consultant
$100,000 USD/year Pay is set based on global value, not the local market. Most roles = hourly rate x 40 hrs x 50 weeks ($50 USD/hour)

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In the rapidly evolving telecommunications sector, where demand for robust, scalable, and advanced network infrastructure continues to surge, Totogi lives at the cutting edge. We recognize the pressing need for highly specialized architectures, particularly in mobile core networks integrated with AWS solutions, a market that is expanding yet faces a deficit in tailored and innovative solutions.

Totogi is a pioneer among dinosaurs in the telco industry. Leveraging AI to revolutionize network solutions and operational efficiencies, our approach is singularly focused on creating a competitive telecommunications architecture that is not only scalable but also advances the industry. By concentrating on intricate systems like OCS and BSS, we ensure our architecture exceeds industry standards.

In this role, you will be instrumental in shaping future telecommunications with your expertise in AWS cloud solutions and AI-driven tools. Unlike standard roles in the industry which may dabble broadly in telecommunications technologies, this position demands a deep focus on integrating AWS technologies with mobile core network infrastructures. You will develop systems that not only perform optimally but are also the blueprint for future innovations in telecom.

You will join a team of forward-thinkers who are dedicated to transforming the telecommunications landscape. This role is your chance to leverage your specialized skills to make a substantial impact, drive major innovations, and set new standards in the telecom industry. If you are driven by challenges and inspired by technology, we encourage you to apply and join our mission to redefine what is possible in telecommunications.

What you will be doing

  • Network Architecture Solutions - Designing and developing advanced network solutions for mobile core networks, focusing on OCS systems, and ensuring seamless integration with BSS systems.
  • AI-Enhanced Architectural Management - Leveraging AI systems to manage a broad portfolio of 30+ telecommunications products, facilitating architecture suggestions, enhancements, and system integrations. Without the help of AI, managing this many products is impossible.
  • Development of Digital Assistants - Building AI-driven 'second brains' to optimize operational efficiency and decision-making processes.

Key responsibilities

  • Delivering competitive telecommunications architecture that leverages advanced, scalable AWS solutions for mobile core networks, enhancing Totogi's market position and operational efficiency

Candidate requirements

  • Experience as a solutions architect within the telecommunications industry, with a comprehensive understanding of telecommunication networks
  • Familiarity with network protocols, routing algorithms, and best practices
  • Experience designing and implementing solutions on AWS, including but not limited to EC2, S3, VPC, Lambda, and CloudFormation

Meet a successful candidate

Watch Interview
Catalin Adler
Catalin  |  Subsystem CTO

Catalin, Subsystem CTO, describes his experience at Crossover in one word: extraordinary. “Each week you get to learn a lot of new things: c...

Meet Catalin
How it works

Applying for a role? Here’s what to expect.

We’ve curated a series of steps that take the guesswork (and cognitive bias) out of recruiting the best person.

Pass Cognitive Aptitude Test.

Pass Cognitive Aptitude Test.

Pass English Proficiency Test.

Pass English Proficiency Test.

Prove Real-World Job Skills.

Prove Real-World Job Skills.

Ace An Interview Or Two.

Ace An Interview Or Two.

Accept Job Offer.

Accept Job Offer.



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