Account Executive
$60,000 USD/year Pay is set based on global value, not the local market. Most roles = hourly rate x 40 hrs x 50 weeks ($30 USD/hour)

Not accepting applications on at this time.


The sales industry is notoriously inefficient, with professionals wasting up to 30% of their day on grunt work that doesn't generate revenue. At IgniteTech, we're not just chipping away at the problem—we're smashing through it with cutting-edge applications of generative AI. We're not here to tinker at the margins; we're trying to 10x productivity and radically enhance how sales teams interact with customers.

This role isn't for theoretical AI researchers. In this role, you’ll spearhead the creation and refinement of AI-driven tools that are redefining the sales landscape. This is a role for challengers and change-makers, not those who shrink back to the safety of routine and incremental tweaks.

You’ll be at the epicenter of our mission, directly boosting sales efficiency and customer satisfaction. We’re scouting for rebels who thrive in a culture of innovation and are hungry to harness technology for groundbreaking impact. Ready to disrupt and dominate? Throw your hat in the ring and join us at IgniteTech. If you’ve got what it takes to transform an industry, we want you.

What you will be doing

  • Direct application of GenAI technologies to facilitate and enhance the day-to-day execution of sales activities.
  • Development of AI Sales Tools: Using GenAI tools to facilitate lead scoring, customer data management, sales reporting, sales forecasting, and quote and proposal creation, just to name a few.
  • Continuous Improvement and Feedback Analysis: Incorporating feedback from stakeholders and customers, iterating to make the AI tools better at delivering their intended outcome.

Key responsibilities

  • Realize significant improvements in sales efficiency and effectiveness through the development and implementation of AI-driven sales tools.

Candidate requirements

  • Professional experience leveraging LLMs, such as ChatGPT, Gemini, or Claude, to automate manual tasks and boost your company's productivity
  • At least 2 years of experience in B2B software sales

Meet the hiring manager

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Meet a successful candidate

Watch Interview
Jeremy Swartz
Jeremy  |  SVP of Sales
South Africa  

As a kid, Jeremy was inspired by colossal rugby players at the top of their game—and wondered if he could play at that level. Thanks to Cros...

Meet Jeremy
How it works

Applying for a role? Here’s what to expect.

We’ve curated a series of steps that take the guesswork (and cognitive bias) out of recruiting the best person.

Pass Cognitive Aptitude Test.

Pass Cognitive Aptitude Test.

Pass English Proficiency Test.

Pass English Proficiency Test.

Prove Real-World Job Skills.

Prove Real-World Job Skills.

Ace An Interview Or Two.

Ace An Interview Or Two.

Accept Job Offer.

Accept Job Offer.



Frequently asked questions

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Why Crossover

Recruitment sucks. So we’re fixing it.

The Olympics of work

The Olympics of work

It’s super hard to qualify—extreme quality standards ensure every single team member is at the top of their game.

Premium pay for premium talent

Premium pay for premium talent

Over 50% of new hires double or triple their previous pay. Why? Because that’s what the best person in the world is worth.

Shortlist by skills, not bias

Shortlist by skills, not bias

We don’t care where you went to school, what color your hair is, or whether we can pronounce your name. Just prove you’ve got the skills.