The Flow State Formula Elite Performers Use for Faster More Creative Work [+Quiz!]
Achieving Excellence

The Flow State Formula Elite Performers Use for Faster More Creative Work [+Quiz!]

The Flow State Formula Elite Performers Use for Faster More Creative Work [+Quiz!]
  • The Secret to Fulfilment at Work (And in Life)
  • What Happens in Your Brain During a Flow State
  • Are You an Autotelic Personality? Take The QUIZ
  • 7 Ways to Hack the Flow State as an Elite Remote Worker
  • The Flow State Formula: 3 Steps to Perfect Flow

Top performing athletes swear by it. A-list actors live for it. And some of the greatest minds in science thrive on it. Research shows that a unique set of traits can unlock your ability to access deep work mode, spark creativity and solve problems at top speed. In tech, it’s the ULTIMATE flex: tapping into the flow state.

When Katie Spotz was in high school, she had no idea what ‘a flow state’ was.

And she had no idea that years later, it would be her most valuable career asset. But this woman spent 70 days alone at sea, focused on one thing – rowing.

Day and night, she pulled herself through turbulent seas displaying unimaginable resilience, focus and drive.

Now, she holds the World Record for the youngest unassisted solo journey ever made across the Atlantic Ocean. If you think this is a once off achievement for an endurance athlete like Katie, you’d be horribly wrong.     

You see – Katie is what science calls ‘an autotelic personality.’

Katie Spotz World Record Solo Ocean rower.

An individual who has an increased ability to experience the flow state.

Katie’s enhanced ability to focus deeply and dial into a pleasurable state of optimal performance has led to many outstanding feats in her career.

When she’s not rowing across the ocean you can find her breaking records running 138 miles nonstop across Maine. She holds the World Record for most consecutive ultramarathon days, after doing eleven of them in a row.

She’s also finished 5 Ironman triathlons, run across deserts, cycled across the USA, and has swum an unbelievable 325 miles.

Katie has built an incredible career by mastering the power of flow and harnessing its benefits to achieve the impossible.

And you can too – because flow can be learned.

In this article I’m going to help you unlock your own ability to access the flow state – so that deep work mode becomes a regular part of your day. Key traits that fuel top performers like Katie Spotz can be cultivated, and I’ll show you how.

The Secret to Fulfilment at Work (And in Life)

I’ve always been low-key obsessed with flow.

As a writer, I knew I was dialing into something special before I had the terminology to explain what it was. The ability to almost stop time while creating something of value was a joy I was driven to revisit again, and again.

If you’ve ever been in a state of flow, you know what I’m describing. It’s a type of autopilot that opens your mind to the task as hand and shuts everything else out.

It’s perfect presence. It’s indescribable access to ideas you didn’t know were knocking about in the far neurons of your mind.

It’s connection to something more than yourself – or perhaps all of yourself – as you face a series of tests, and win. It’s the universe of skill flowing through you.

In his TedTalk, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi – widely considered the founding father of flow – speaks about it as the secret to happiness.

What makes life worth living? He asks.

And the answer is ‘moments of ecstasy’ discovered during the flow state.

He describes it as an alternative reality. And it’s a powerful indicator that you’re doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right way.

Flow is the mental state achieved when you’re totally absorbed in what you’re doing. Being in this state – often - by choice is what makes you an autotelic personality.

The Flow State in the brain.

Autotelic remote workers are:

  • Less likely to suffer from burnout, depression or unhappiness
  • Resilient and able to complete tasks of immense difficulty/complexity
  • Able to perform at higher levels because they love what they do
  • Always find deep meaning and reward in the tasks they complete
  • Internally motivated which makes their quality bar naturally high
  • Ignited by challenge and driven to skill-build for long-term growth

Is it just me or are these all the hallmarks of a high performer?   

What Happens in Your Brain During a Flow State

Research has proven that flow states enhance creativity, boost performance and increase your overall wellbeing.

Lifeism chart showing the flow state and how to achieve it.


But what’s actually happening to your brain when you get ‘in the zone’? Drexel University recently did a neuroimaging study to find out.

They discovered that two factors play a key role in achieving flow:

  • Having EXTENSIVE experience (specialized expertise that network brain areas)
  • And letting go (releasing control to allow this network to take over)
Drexel University brain imaging of the Flow State.

Turns out high experience folks experience flow way more often than beginners.

Neurochemically speaking, once triggered flow releases dopamine, norepinephrine, anandamide, seratonin and a ton of endorphins.

These tasty chemicals are responsible for why you feel happy, focused and have greater access to cognitive processing during your task.

Of course – enter the flow state enough times and you’re working on neuroplasticity. 

Which means the more you do it, the EASIER it is to do.

You can literally change your brain by consciously entering the flow state more often!

The Flow State chart - lies at the intersection of challenge, growth, skill and passion.


Sounds easy, but it isn’t. If it was, more people would be accessing peak performance, and we know that’s not the case.

Like many performance-orientated practices, becoming an autotelic personality is hard, but worth it. But if you can work on cultivating these traits – you can be a top performer.

Love doing hard things? So do they. 

Are You an Autotelic Personality? Take The QUIZ

Albert Einstein once said, “The way to learn the most is when you are doing something with such enjoyment that you don’t notice that the time passes.”

Albert Einstein quote about The Flow State.

He was talking about finding your flow.

Like endurance athlete Katie Spotz, Einstein was an autotelic personality – often spending years focused on solving the most complex problems in the universe.

The word autotelic comes from Greek roots -  ‘auto’ meaning self, and ‘telos’ meaning goal. An autotelic activity is done for its own sake – the experience of doing it is the primary goal.

These personalities easily balance the play of challenge with the work of skill-building.

But how do you know if you’re a high performing autotelic or not?  

For fun, I decided to test my ability to enter a flow state.

 I set myself a challenge – build a basic quiz app using AI in 96 minutes.

Are you an autotelic personality quiz.

Here’s what happened:

  • I hit the flow state on minute 12 and the time vanished
  • I learned a lot in this window and added to my skillsets
  • I enjoyed troubleshooting through the process on a time limit
  • I realized the massive potential that AI has for enhancing flow states
  • I created a quiz app to help you determine your autotelic personality

Based on an existing 26 question test created by personality researchers Dwight C. K. Tse, Vienne Wing-yan Lau, Rachael Perlman, and Michael McLaughlin, I created the quiz app to reveal your autotelic personality, and the traits linked to the elusive 'flow-state.'

My score was: The Curious Challenger: Above-average!

The good news is that anyone can become an autotelic personality, and I plan on being more conscious about entering flow states to reach the highest level. I may never achieve a Katie Spotz level of mastery, but I can certainly try.  

Csikszentmihalyi himself proposed the idea that if it’s your nature to actively seek out challenges and flow experiences – you are autotelic.

These rare personalities are HIGHLY sought after in remote work and in tech.

Find out exactly how much work you need to do on your flow state with the quiz! It takes 2 minutes to complete (and it’s fun).

Take the quiz to find out!

7 Ways to Hack the Flow State as an Elite Remote Worker

Now you know how far you have to go. 

Here are 7 practices you can incorporate into your daily tasks to inspire active entry into the flow state.

#1: Pick Sweet-Spot Challenges That Test Your Skills

Katie Spotz knows that physical and mental endurance is her sweet spot.

Rowing alone across the Atlantic wasn’t a random choice! It played to her strengths and pushed her limits. To find your flow, choose tasks that are challenging, but that don’t overwhelm you (or make you crazy).

If it feels too easy, you’ll get bored. If it’s too hard, frustration will snap you out of deep work mode. Sweet-spot challenges keep you sharp, engaged, and in the zone.

A man planning to get into the flow.

#2: Plan to Reach the Flow State Every Day

Katie didn’t just roll out of bed and decide to row the Atlantic - she planned every detail.

From daily mileage targets to navigation strategies, her goals were crystal clear. Do the same for your work! Instead of super vague plans set precise DAILY goals: “Finish the first draft of the report by 3pm.”

Clear goals are a GPS for your brain, and they’ll tell you exactly where to go next so that you don’t have to think about it in the moment.

A remote worker can't find her flow because her phone distracts her.

#3: Treat Distractions as The Enemy of Flow

  • 6/10 people can’t focus for 30 minutes without getting distracted

Katie spent 70 days on a rowboat with no internet or Amazon Prime to derail her focus.

While you won’t need to cross an entire ocean, you do need a distraction-free zone to get in the zone. Leave your blasted phone in a drawer or in another room. Close those random open tabs and let every family member know you’re in deep work mode.

Flow needs peace and quiet - protect it like Katie protected her oars.

I wrote a whole article about overcoming distractions here.

AI and AR and VR support and accelerate the flow state. A man is in flow in AR.

#4: Enhance Your Flow With AI, VR and AR

Katie didn’t row into open sea without the right tools, and you shouldn’t either.

Using AI to amplify your flow means eliminating a lot of mental clutter in your day. Less emails, less repetitive work and faster problem-solving capabilities. Your AI agents can handle the boring stuff, while you focus on the high-value creative tasks.

You can expand your skillsets and learn in new directions with AI co-pilots in your corner. Plus, they make organizing and prioritizing your daily schedule a breeze. 

With Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, you have access to immersive spaces that are totally distraction free and offer you supercharged visual learning opportunities.

I’d argue that these technologies are essential for amplifying human flow, so that you can stay deeply engaged and highly productive for longer.  

A man is focused on the work at hand, waiting for the flow state to arrive.

#5: Be Present and Focus on The Process

Katie didn’t row across the ocean to reach an imaginary finish line - it was about the journey.

She found real joy in every brutal challenge, and every supreme victory over the choppy waves. So, STOP obsessing over results for a second, and immerse yourself in the task. 

If you pay attention, you’ll realize you’re having a blast!

Whether it’s coding a quiz app, writing an article, or setting your KPIs, fall in love with the work itself. Allow yourself to revel and play and push boundaries – it’s why we’re here.

A man speaks about the flow state during a meeting with his team.

#6: Decide to Throw Away Your Ego

  • Research says 63% of people say ego negatively impacts work performance

Katie embraces fear as part of every adventure.

Being afraid of making mistakes and not being massively successful is your ego talking. Throw it overboard! It keeps you from taking risks, learning and growing. Your greatest asset when harnessing the flow state is how curious you are.

If you limit that curiosity because of fear, you’re allowing your ego to control you. And flow state demands an abandonment of identity, and a bold step into automatic skill application. So, explore what will work best, not what will make you look good.

#7: Time-Block Like You Mean It

Katie didn’t row her record-breaking distance in inconsistent, random bursts.

She committed to uninterrupted, focused effort - for hours at a time. Apply this to your daily work! Block out chunks of time (like 96 minutes) for deep work, switch off all outside distractions, and let yourself sink into the task.

Flow takes time and intentional practice.

Our friends at Todoist have a great guide on time-blocking here.

The Flow State Formula: 3 Steps to Perfect Flow

Katie Spotz is a flow master.

But once you learn to spot it, you’ll see it everywhere.

Flow is the hidden key to high performance (and happiness) you’ve been searching for. It’s the set of traits driving every elite performer.

Katei Spotz having conquered 70 days of flow across the Atlantic ocean.

It’s in the quiet determination at the gym, the unstoppable drive at your kid’s soccer match, and the countless creations that have shaped history. Flow is the force behind greatness – and it’s time to make it part of your remote work story.

So here’s The Flow State Formula: GROWTH + FOCUS + FREEDOM = FLOW

Step 1: Grow Yourself

Choose tasks that are just hard enough to stretch your skills but not so overwhelming that you feel stuck. Give yourself to curiosity, learning and skill-building. With more expertise, comes greater flow. Always aim for daily growth!

Step 2: Train Your Focus

Remove distractions, set clear goals, and don’t be afraid to immerse yourself in the process. Deep focus is the gateway to flow, so be present in your task. Use the technology at your disposal to keep your focus on track.

Step 3: Embrace Remote Freedom

Master your use of time and release control. Give yourself room to make mistakes and try again later. Take risks and explore the work you love. Let your experience guide you!

When you combine these three ingredients, you’ll not only access the flow state more often - you’ll create work that feels effortless, meaningful, and fun.

Becoming an autotelic personality is the ultimate flex this year.

Practice flow with intention and it will rewire your brain for high performance.

There is joy in peak performance, and when you tap into it, it unlocks a way of living that transforms ordinary work into extraordinary impact.

Flow isn’t reserved for the elite - it’s a skill anyone can master.

So, stretch yourself, stay present, and embrace the remote freedom in your work. Your best ideas, your most creative solutions, and your boldest achievements are waiting on the other side.

This is your year to make flow your superpower.

Go create your greatness.

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